
2904 Baker Rd. Suite B, Dexter, MI 48130 


Reading Strategies

Motivating Struggling Readers

Motivating Struggling Readers: Effective Success Strategies

Motivating struggling readers starts with understanding the basis for their challenges.  This can be done with a combination of reading assessments, conversations with parents and students, and data from their schools.   Once the challenges are identified motivating struggling readers include individualized instruction, phonics and decoding, high-interest material, reading aloud, building vocabulary, setting achievable goals, encouraging […]

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keys to reading comprehension

Keys to Reading Comprehension: Supporting Struggling Readers

Keys to reading comprehension that support struggling readers start with understanding why reading comprehension even matters and how it impacts our kids.   Keys to reading comprehension include ten strategies and professional support as needed. 1. Create a Reading-Friendly Environment 2. Choose Engaging Material 3. Reading Aloud 4. Encourage Questions and Discussion 5. Monitor Progress 6.

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improve reading comprehension

How to Improve Reading Comprehension in Struggling Readers

Improve reading comprehension by taking multiple steps.  First, we need to understand the reason for reading comprehension struggles. This can be done through reading assessments, conversations with parents and students, and school information.  Next, improve reading comprehension through building strong reading skills, developing reading strategies for better comprehension, mastering key reading skills, fostering a love

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Helping Struggling Readers

Helping Struggling Readers with Reading Fluency

Helping struggling readers with reading fluency starts with diagnosing the problem using a combination of reading assessments, parent discussion, and student conversations.  Once the challenges are identified, implementing fluency-building techniques comes next. Helping struggling readers with reading fluency includes reading intervention programs, phonics practice, sight word mastery, comprehension strategies, guided reading, multisensory learning, and reading

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Struggling Readers

Empowering Struggling Readers: 14 Tips for Parents

Empowering struggling readers begins with understanding the potential challenges these students face.  Identifying the challenges can be done with data from the school as well as through reading assessments by outside experts. Once the specific needs are identified, it’s time for helpful tips.  Tips for parents of struggling readers include being a reading role model,

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Tips for Parental Support

Effective Tips for Parental Support in Struggling Readers

Effective tips for parental support in struggling readers start with getting a basic understanding of potential issues.  From there, there are many strategies parents can implement to help their child improve.   Effective tips for parental support include creating a literary-friendly environment, encouraging daily reading, tailored instruction, utilizing reading strategies, embracing technology, setting realistic goals, positive

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effective reading strategies

Effective Strategies for Struggling Readers

Effective strategies for struggling readers begin with discovering and understanding each student’s particular struggle.  This can be done with a reading assessment and conversation with the parent and student.  Once the struggles are identified, addressing the student’s needs is next.  Effective strategies for struggling readers include individualized learning, phonics instruction and comprehension techniques, sight word

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Bilding Fluency

Best Practices for Struggling Readers: Building Fluency

Building fluency in struggling readers starts with an understanding of the problem. Building fluency best practices include individualized support, a positive and supportive environment, effective tutoring services, phonics instruction, sight word practice, regular reading, learning and using reading techniques and strategies, reading support, reading programs, and progress monitoring and adjustment. Reading is a fundamental skill

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Enhancing Reading Skills

Enhancing Reading Skills in Struggling Readers: Parent Tips

Enhancing Reading skills in struggling readers starts with a strong foundation, developing reading comprehension, enhancing fluency, improving reading speed and accuracy, and incorporating active reading strategies.   If you are here as a parent of a struggling reader or you are an educational expert.  You know what our kids feel like when they do not seem

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